font corporation
Our Agribusiness Division combines the expertise,
production capabilities and long-standing tradition of the Font Family dedicated to the citrus fruit production for fifty years and several generations in Spain.
Enjoy the best Mediterranean Fruit
Spain is the fourth agri-food power in Europe and tenth in the world. Due to the quality of its products and its extensive range of items, the Spanish agri-food industry is highly regarded internationally.
Spain is the world´s top exporter of fresh lemon and a European leader in ecologic production.
Spanish exports have steadily increased since the last twelve years with a constant surplus in the commercial trade balance.

50 years of heritage
Mediterranean fruit
Spain is the largest producer of citrus fruit in Europe. 90% of Spain´s total citrus production is concentrated in the Autonomous Region of Murcia and the Province of Alicante (Autonomous Region of Valencia) in the Southeast of Spain. The Font Family´s fields are located mainly in the Autonomous Region of Murcia.

The European lemon differs from its competitors because it is part of the European production model, which has the highest quality and food safety standards in the world. A very demanding system of traceability from the field to the table, which guarantees that the European lemon is a healthy, safe, top-quality food produced with low environmental impact.
The quality of the European lemon Fino and Verna produced in Spain is guaranteed by several quality seals.

Lemon is an excellent source of Vitamin C, low in calories and it is part of the Mediterranean Diet, the healthiest diet in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Due to its high vitamin C content and antioxidant properties, this citrus fruit helps strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases.
Europe mainly grows two varieties of lemons that guarantee a supply of lemons all year round.
The main types of lemon produced by the Font Family are Verna and Fino varieties.
Verna and Fino Lemon’s fruits are attractive, aromatic and nutritious, containing high levels of citric acid, amino acids, vitamin C and vitamin D. They have cardiovascular, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, appetising and spleen-healthy properties. Its peel, leaves and petals contain aromatic oils, which are high quality raw materials for the food and spice industry. The peel also contains flavonoid glycosides, pectin and vitamins, which are raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.
Fino lemon
Fino Lemon is the most traditional variety in Spain, it is usually grown in meadows. The main flowering period for this lemon tree falls between April and May, and the fruit is harvested between October and May.
The second flowering period of Fino lemon is at end of summer that produce Lemon Rodrejos, or “late lemons”, which are harvested the following summer.
This variety is high prized for its abundant juice (40% of the fruit’s weight), citric acid and essential oils.
Verna lemon
Verna Lemon is the second most traditional variety of lemon in Spain, it is usually grown on hillsides bordering meadows and on newly converted land. It can have up to three flowering periods, and in areas with good weather, it can bear fruit all year round.
The first flowering occurs between March and May. The fruit can be picked from February to late July.
The second flowering period falls between spring and summer. Its fruit is known as the “second” or “sanjuaneros” fruit.
The third flowering period takes place between August and September. The fruit is called the limón rodrejo, or “late lemon”, and it is picked during the summer of the following year.