font corporation


Corporate Strategy

We encompasses our clients´corporate actions in Europe defining the overall goals and directions for achieving a competitive advantage in the European market. Font Corporation works in partnership with our clients providing a compelling corporate vision and appropriate performance objectives in Europe, aggressively managing the portfolio, leveraging a repeatable operating model and executing a balanced financial strategy.

Market Development

We develop and implement business strategies that allow companies to increase their market share in Europe. We create long-term value for every organization from customers, markets and relationships. We improve the performance of companies and the ability to compete in a demanding global market.

Greenfields and Brownfields Investments

Our experienced team helps and support international companies across all industries to successfully set up their own companies and expand in Europe and the United Kingdom meeting all the legal requirements and developing business in the smoothest and shortest time possible.

Funding and Financing

We have extensive experience in European and Regional Funding and works closely with our clients to access suitable calls. Font Corporation aims to accelerate the development and expansion of business, technologies and solutions though access to innovation funding and financing streams. We accelerate commercialisation for close to market innovation and technologies.

Strategic Intelligence, Studies and Analyses

Our teams use in-depth Qualitative and Quantitative research techniques to give our clients an enhanced understanding of European market. Using both on-line and extensive experience in off-line approaches, we generate the insights that allow our clients to understand the market and generate new business opportunities. From assessing the relevance of an innovation projects or investment platform to the appraisal of technological trends in your sector, Font Corporation Experts can call upon its firm roots in experience as well as its large networks of business and technology practitioners.

Investment Opportunities and M&A

We find investment opportunities that meet your investment mandate and deploy your capital efficiently. Font Corporation identifies Merge & Acquisitions opportunities directly with business owners and decision makers. We raise your company valuation finding the right investor for your company. Font Corporation connects your company directly with interested investors and buyers.

Trade Missions

Our team of consultants through a comprehensive analysis of your company, products and services, will pre-select a pipeline of organisations that could lead to potential clients for your company. We prepare the agenda with those more suited to your business objectives in the European market. Always you will receive our full support with a professional consultant that will escort you to the planned visits, all of them organised with top executives, who actually have decision power within the company.

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