H2 - SAF
font corporation
The European Commission has establisehd the goal to produce 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen by 2030 and to import 10 million tonnes by 2030. Spain and Italy will be the major exporters of hydrogen, with the forecasted demand in Europe in 2030 and 2050 being of 337 TWh and 1418 TWh respectively. Spain is developing major projects in order to reach 4 GW by 2030, which would represent 10% of the EU’s production target.
Implementing and scaling up waste to hydrogen production in Europe
Waste to Hydrogen
The solution to a cost-effective, large-scale green hydrogen production and negative carbon footprint.
The Steam/CO2 Reformer technology transforms any type of waste to 99.9% purity hydrogen that could be used from fuel cells to industrial processes.
Steam/CO2 Reforming produces hydrogen by converting the organic content of waste streams into synthesis gas (syngas), a mixture of H2, CO, and CO2, that could be used to produce clean hydrogen and Fischer-Tropsch synthetic fuels.
We implement and scale up “waste to hydrogen” production sites in Europe that convert waste into a rich syngas with already 60% hydrogen into it. This syngas could be transformed into Hydrogen, SAF, FTs or methane.
Natural Hydrogen
Font Corporation is leading the development of the first natural hydrogen project in Europe located in Aragón, Spain and scaling up the implementation to other natural hydrogen sites in Poland, Hungary, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Natural H2 has been shown to exist in geologic accumulations around the world and has been discovered in the course of exploration for natural gas as well as in exploratory geologic drilling. Accumulations have been found in Europe, the United States, Canada, Finland, Philippines, Australia, Brazil, Oman, Turkey and Mali as well as near seafloor geological activity such as hydrothermal vents and mid-ocean ridges.
In 2022, the US Geological Survey (USGS) outlined that there is enough natural hydrogen in the Earth to power the world for thousands of years. The amount of hydrogen in the Earth’s interior could potentially constitute a primary energy resource. Even a small fraction of this estimated volume could be recovered, there would likely be enough hydrogen across all the global deposits to last for hundreds of years.

Leading the production of SAF in Europe
Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)
According to the supporting study for the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative, with the introduction of a SAF blending mandate at EU level, demand for aviation fuel at EU airports would amount to around 46 million tonnes in 2030. In order to reach 5% of SAF by 2030 for all flights departing from EU airports, approximately 2.3 million tonnes of SAF would be required.
The RefuelEU Aviation Proposal will help decarbonise the aviation sector by requiring fuel suppliers to blend sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) with kerosene in increasing amounts from 2025.
Europe is committed to the world’s most ambitious decarbonisation programme through the European Green Deal aiming to reduce a minimum of 55% greenhouse gas emission by 2030, and a pledge for Europe to become the first climate-neutral economy by 2050.
Font Corporation represents key international players in the hydrogen sector leading their expansions, investments, funding, partnerships and scaling up process in Europe. Font Corporation is part of the Team of experts selected at European Level to assist Clean Hydrogen Partnership, European Hydrogen Valleys and the European Commission defining the EU Roadmap for Hydrogen Valleys.
Font Corporation identifies new technologies with high potential and support their expansions in Europe increasing their market share in the European sustainable energy sector and contributing to the acceleration of European Hydrogen Valleys.
Our strength is to identify suitable partners and off-takers for hydrogen producers in Europe. We connect hydrogen producers with reliable and long term off-takers who are corporately committed to sustainability and clean energy solutions.
Font Corporation fosters the growth and early adoption of hydrogen as a clean and versatile energy source across industries. Through our extensive network and expertise as a hydrogen broker, we ensure a seamless and efficient supply chain, benefitting both producers and off-takers alike
Our involvement in key European and state programs related to hydrogen enables us to drive advancements in this crucial sector. From the European Hydrogen Bank (EHB) coming soon to other key public and private funding sources we manage on behalf of companies.
Collaborations with key European institutions